Lift Industry News
Autumn 2022 | Q4 Issue 2
Safety first
Our Industry Expert, Dave Cooper, keeps you up to date
One of the most dreaded phone calls is the one that starts with “we’ve had a major leak in our building!” Of course it doesn’t have to be a pipe leak – in my time I have seen everything from that to firefighters experiencing leaks at risers, erroneous loss of water from sprinkler systems, effluent backing up in drains, the water table being encroached, to a man in a hotel having had a few too many and opening a wet riser that wasn’t locked off! I also recall a request from an architect to put stones and water in an observation lift pit with the intent of putting water and fish in there! Fortunately that idea didn’t hang around too long!
So what can you do to mitigate damage? Click below to read Dave Cooper’s early recommended actions.