Lift Industry News
Winter 2024 | Q1 Issue 7

Barking about anxiety

Our brand new ‘Ted Barks’ column focuses on the importance of prioritising our mental health. Our newest columnist, Ted, will look at the various mental health conditions and struggles that many of us will recognise, and how we can start to address them.

Who is Ted?

I am a French Bulldog who loves to spend time with my owners, and has anxiety when left alone or I find myself in a new place. Us French Bulldogs are often referred to as ‘Velcro dogs’, as we like to stick to those we love and require attention 24 / 7, as it should be! Our owners leaving or even popping into a shop can cause great anxiety, although these feelings do subside pretty quickly when I realise they are buying me food. Then it’s back to the business of getting up to my normal trouble!

In my first column, I thought we’d look at some of this anxiety that can occur in many different situations.

Ted Barks

With the Lift Industry Mental Health Charter