Lift Industry News
Autumn 2024 | Q4 Issue 10
I am rather hoping that people will indulge my opinion that wellbeing and safety are connected. Negative wellbeing can lead to all sorts of unhealthy situations and my column this edition is about something that can affect wellbeing.
I am sure that I am not the only person who has checked into a hotel only to f ind that your room is on the top floor and adjacent to a lift shaft and then got annoyed every time the brake slapped on and off until you finally fell asleep. Sound familiar? Imagine that is your own home and you once enjoyed peace and quiet because the pump room for the hydraulic lift was remotely located and then, following the trend, it was replaced with an electric traction MRL design. No matter what the noise levels now are and whether or not they are compliant, you are going to be hearing noises that you don’t want to be hearing, unless someone is professional enough to look at the acoustics and get them to a level at or below where they were. Even then the noises are going to be 'different' to what you heard before.