Lift Industry Newsletter
September 2022

The Otis Hong Kong “Be a Little Engineer” Program

Over the summer, nearly 100 students took part in Otis’ interactive STEM learning program. The local students were given the opportunity to learn about the history of the elevator industry, gained an overview of the elevator system, and even had a virtual tour of a machine room. The students were also taught to build their own elevator model. The program ran in partnership with two local schools and The Boys’ & Girls’ Association of Hong Kong, promoting STEM to the next generation.

“The Little Engineer” program began in 2010, aiming to provide students with the knowledge and experience to pursue a STEM career. Students are paired with employee mentors who teach them technical engineering skills. Otis also recently opened a STEM-focused section in the library at the C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School in Hong Kong SAR, one of the schools involved in the program.

Source: LinkedIn